Monday, 22 August 2022 09:45

Mobile apps trends in 2022

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In 2020, Whidegroup can note a time that has been distinguished by multiple changes in terms of technology, of course, some changes in the distribution of mobile supplements have been corrected by the rapid spread of the pandemic that has affected the whole world.

Hovewer, it should be noted that with the advent of 2021, the whole picture with quarantine exchanges has slightly approached the trend of improvement. Nowadays we can see a rough picture of how everything will develop in 2022, we can have a rough idea of ​​​​what will be relevant this year, which developers can directly turn their attention to.

Super programs

We can highlight one of the most popular trends, the one that has fascinated the whole world - of course, we can talk here about the development of rich and not simple programs for smartphones. A few years ago, if it was necessary to solve this or that problem, we immediately created an application that could help us with this. Therefore, it is logistics, completely different services, and so on. Everything worked in such a way that if you take the medical services section, then such programs will work perfectly for fitness, diet, lifestyle, and balanced nutrition.

Today, in 2022, we can single out such a program as a “super” class product. Its big difference among others is that it is multitasking and capable of solving completely different tasks. Hovewer, she immediately captivated many with her ability to be diverse. This popularity is certainly due to its ease of use. Therefore, it is like a middle that can independently close all the needs that the user has. Therefore, it is very convenient to have one such program in use that can solve several problems at once, rather than having hundreds of tasks and hundreds of applications for solving these problems. Undoubtedly, it is ideal to have such a multifunctional vibrator at work.

Now we can say that it came to us from Asia. If you analyze applications, of course, you can create an approximate list of the top applications, those that are used most often in their work.

  1. WeChat (it can be described as three in one, this is a messenger, the use of social networks, as well as the ability to pay using the phone).
  2. Gojek - this application helps us solve many everyday issues, such as ordering food at home, solving logistics issues, calling a taxi, and making payments for certain services. This application is at the peak of its popularity right now in Indonesia, although other countries also use it.
  3. Alipay - a payment service from Alibaba, has the ability to make various payments for services, various goods, as well as mobile communications and banking services. However, we can make payments in various ways, for example, by transfer to an account, with a bank card, or by scanning a QR code. Of course, of all payment options, it is worth noting the last one, since this is the ability to pay for a service without a bank card.
  4. Natural.AI - this application was created in America, where we have the opportunity to simplify our lives by making various purchases, ordering food, and paying bills without leaving home, and there is no need to stand in long queues.

In the period 2021-2022, the wave of super apps will spread to other countries - in particular, many American and Russian companies are already working on creating such multifunctional programs. First of all, this trend will affect the means of communication and payments. The mass development of such products will be a real breakthrough in the App industry.

Artificial intelligence

AI is gradually becoming popular in many countries, as well as some moments of human life, and this is not surprising. Today, artificial intelligence is used in many things, starting with different techniques, and ending with various information retrieval programs. In 2022, almost everyone has such a system as a “smart home” or voice search for information on the network, and this is no longer surprising. Artificial intelligence is taken as a basis in these technologies.

Today we can say that this is one of the fastest-growing areas for absolutely everything, from mobile applications to various programs for a computer, as well as for home and industrial equipment. After some time, our gadget will be the best friend with whom we can talk, run programs by voice, and manage and configure functionality almost without touching the display. Work today is at the peak of its popularity.

Voice assistants will also be changed. This trend has existed since 2016, therefore today we already see how it works on such global projects as Google Now, Apple Siri, Amazon Alexa, and others. Of course, they were created primarily to do elementary work, for example, it can be searching for information on the Internet, or simply changing the phone settings. As this technology develops rapidly, more serious programs based on artificial intelligence will be introduced into it, of course, such programs will be able to deal with the most complex tasks. All work will of course be based on the political, economic, and social situation in a particular country and world. It will be such an assistant who will help a person solve many problems and save his time. Will be able to analyze investments in different real estate, will have the ability to give advice to whom to contact, how and where to spend the evening, analyze an educational institution for someone, and many other tasks. In 2022, they plan to launch a strong project to create an assistant that will be able to do such things.

  1. Excellent personalization. The main task is to make a person think that the assistant works only to perform only his tasks. All this is done through personalization. Therefore, the assistant is able to determine the voice of the person with whom he is talking. Learn about the personality, its social indicators, and much more. This is done in order to be able to fulfill the given requests very accurately.
  2.  Analyzer of the emotional state. Of course, today such assistants are rapidly developing and improving every day. With the help of such an assistant, we can say a lot about the emotional component of a person, only based on the voice alone. This helps him to better recognize intentions and perform tasks more accurately.
  3. Interaction with a minimum number of steps. Today we can very quickly receive information from the assistant. At the same time, the number of stages that must be completed for this will be reduced.

Undoubtedly, in 2022, novelties in the field of artificial intelligence will develop rapidly. Already today this environment is in great demand. It will also be relevant in mobile applications, which should not be forgotten. All of us will undoubtedly see a lot of interesting things regarding artificial intelligence, new projects are already being developed.

Video calling

Video communication began to enjoy great consumer demand when the whole world was swallowed up by the coronavirus. This method was the most popular in various areas of life, whether it was work, friends, colleagues, or leaders contacting their subordinates. Many people have started using visa communication while sitting in isolation.

Many people today work remotely, so they began to rapidly develop applications that make excellent video communications, as well as planning their upgrades or designing something completely new. Of course, today many of us have been going to offices for a long time, but this is probably already a habit, the desire to work comfortably without leaving home. People felt the contrast between working in a cozy apartment and an office where there is a lot of noise. Today, many would choose the first option because it is convenient.

Therefore, we can safely say that such a function today as video communication is one of the most popular areas today. We can assume that over time it will only improve. Video communication is popular all over the world today, and most likely it will be for a long time. Even when the pandemic is over, people will not be able to refuse video calls. Video communication helped a lot of companies at the time of the pandemic, and thus there were practically no negative aspects. It can be said that some companies have even grown, their work efficiency has increased during the pandemic, in such a difficult stage of life for all of us.

Hence, 2021-2022 will be a very busy year for new, high-quality video communication technologies. New applications will develop rapidly. It will be more serious than just video communication with friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and management. This technology will be introduced into medicine, as well as various videoconferencing and purchases will gain great success. During the pandemic, people increasingly began to contact doctors via video communication, online consultations are gaining popularity, this is very convenient today since you can avoid long queues in hospitals and save your time, as well as avoid contact with potentially sick clients.

Today, active work is also underway in the field of shopping, very soon everyone will be able to use this function. It will not only be some kind of online broadcast or online shopping. In this way, the buyer and the seller can have direct communication with the help of video.

Application of 3D graphics for mobile applications

You will not surprise anyone with 3D graphic elements, this technology has long been used in various areas of design. The new trend assigns a slightly different role to 3D graphics - not decorative, but functional. The creation of such "useful" graphics will soon become possible directly with the help of smartphones and tablets, opening up a huge field for activity and creating complex graphic objects.

Undoubtedly, in 2022, novelties in the field of artificial intelligence will develop rapidly. Already today this environment is in great demand. It will also be relevant in mobile applications, which should not be forgotten. All of us will undoubtedly see a lot of interesting things regarding artificial intelligence, new projects are already being developed.

Video calling

Video communication began to enjoy great consumer demand when the whole world was swallowed up by the coronavirus. This method was the most popular in various areas of life, whether it was work, friends, colleagues, or leaders contacting their subordinates. Many people have started using visa communication while sitting in isolation.

Many people today work remotely, so they began to rapidly develop applications that make excellent video communications, as well as planning their upgrades or designing something completely new. Of course, today many of us have been going to offices for a long time, but this is probably already a habit, the desire to work comfortably without leaving home. People felt the contrast between working in a cozy apartment and an office where there is a lot of noise. Today, many would choose the first option because it is convenient.

Therefore, we can safely say that such a function today as video communication is one of the most popular areas today. We can assume that over time it will only improve. Video communication is popular all over the world today, and most likely it will be for a long time. Even when the pandemic is over, people will not be able to refuse video calls. Video communication helped a lot of companies at the time of the pandemic, and thus there were practically no negative aspects. It can be said that some companies have even grown, their work efficiency has increased during the pandemic, in such a difficult stage of life for all of us.

Therefore, 2021-2022 will be a very busy year for new, high-quality video communication technologies. New applications will develop rapidly. It will be more serious than just video communication with friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and management. This technology will be introduced into medicine, as well as various videoconferencing and purchases will gain great success. During the pandemic, people increasingly began to contact doctors via video communication, online consultations are gaining popularity, this is very convenient today since you can avoid long queues in hospitals and save your time, as well as avoid contact with potentially sick clients.

Today, active work is also underway in the field of shopping, very soon everyone will be able to use this function. It will not only be some kind of online broadcast or online shopping. In this way, the buyer and the seller can have direct communication with the help of video.

The use of 3D graphics in mobile applications

3D graphic elements will not surprise anyone; this technology has long been used in various areas of design. The new trend gives 3D graphics a slightly different role - not decorative, but functional. The creation of such "useful" graphics will soon be possible directly through smartphones and tablets, opening up a vast field for activity and the creation of complex graphic objects.

Visualization is used in commerce to work with consumer needs. Its application enables you to better penetrate and influence your target audience in order to sell a specific product. Visual effects have long been popular in the world of mobile applications; gaming activities, educational materials, commercial materials, and other materials cannot function without a high-quality visual presentation, so this is one of the promising areas that will undoubtedly be used in the development in 2021 and 2022.

Countering disinformation

The media in the 21st century desperately manipulates the truth, every year there are many fakes that distort the truth. Moreover, if a user studying information on news sites may still have a suspicion of misinterpreting the facts of the media, then in social networks false information is presented more convincingly, which implicitly makes them believe in them. Users usually do not have time to check every information received in the feed. So the untruth takes root, and they begin to believe it.

To avoid user misinformation, many developers of mobile applications and social networks have begun to use specially created algorithms designed to separate the "grain from the chaff" - the truth from fakes. Media platforms are developing more and more new approaches to hide fake information from their users, which can be misleading and lead to negative consequences.

And since there are more and more situations in the world that give rise to a sea of ​​false data, this direction is as relevant as possible and will undoubtedly continue to develop. The same twists and turns around the coronavirus pandemic have generated millions of fake posts in 2020 related to the statistics of morbidity and mortality, and the spread and counteraction of the virus.

Optimizing applications for work on different platforms

The promising direction of cross-platform software products is reaching a new level. In 2022, developers are faced with the task of making everything so that mobile applications are available for use on all computers and vice versa. and the same apps on both iOS and macOS. And the farther, the more opportunities, wider coverage of platforms and more promising optimization.

 Let's take a look at what all this is for developers today.  How important is it?

With the help of cross-platform applications, we can capture a wider audience of users. With this multifunctionality, we provide the ability to select a device to open the application at any time.

Anonymity and security

Today, if projects are commercial, they often collect some information about their users, and so far this is done in order to improve the provision of services, information, and targeted advertising. This is a concern for most users today. At the same time, users feel in control, and consequently, the threat of leakage looms over the security of private data. All this provokes distrust of customers in the activities of large IT projects that collect information about users for their own purposes.

All of this highlights the need to improve personal data security, which leaders in the information industries are working on. Apple has already made a new development available to the public, including a more secure login procedure and the generation of a random email address that redirects letters to a personal mailbox. As a result, spammers and people who send out information that is not of interest to the user will not receive the email address. Apple is open about what data the app can collect to give customers peace of mind about the privacy of their data.

If we are talking about the top trends in the world related to security, then blockchain is definitely worth mentioning here - it can safely be called the technology of the future. Today, she works very hard in the field of cryptocurrencies. With the help of Blockchain today we have the ability to fake any information. In this way, we can avoid the difficulty of being hacked or leaked, which makes this technology the best today in terms of data privacy. Blockchain is mainly used to hide transactions from prying eyes. Blockchain is developing very fast today, and of course, it will continue to expand.

Design trends in app development

Finally, it is worth considering such trending technologies that relate exclusively to the aesthetic side of the issue. The standard for mobile applications is a flat interface, minimalistic display of information, and some conciseness in the presentation of data. But designers are finding new ways to create unusual and interesting designs. For example, including neomorphic elements that look like you can touch them:

Neomorphism is able to imitate a three-dimensional world, all this in the first place in order to aesthetically look beautiful. But there are some nuances, for example like this

it is very difficult to scale, so because of this feature, it is very difficult to apply it in its purest form. We see people trying to add pseudo-3D detail to flat design in many ways. Therefore, we can make a brief conclusion that neomorphic is not only beauty but also a close interaction between the program and the user.


Today, if we talk about mobile users, we can distinguish two main ones for ourselves - swipe and scroll. Of course, in everyday life we often use gestures. Hence, gestures can become an integral part of our mobile experience.

At the moment, developers are most likely adding new gestures to the user interface. By simplifying the user experience, usability and retention rates will improve. This will emerge as a new mobile UX trend.

Let us discuss "mimic gestures." It is now a very popular phenomenon, and it is being used more and more each year. Currently, facial recognition technology is used for both entertainment (such as Animoji or Snapchat lenses) and authentication. However, the full potential of this feature has yet to be realized. We anticipate an increase in the number of applications that interact with user gestures in the coming years. Replacing tap and swipe gestures with facial gestures (where possible) will improve the user experience and change how we interact with mobile apps.


No changes at all, minimalism is still in vogue. whether it's iOS or Android. Comprehensive reduction is still a top priority for designers. The most important thing is getting the content on the screen first. Of course, this is more important than the bright design of the user interface.

If we bring together things like simplicity and minimalist design, we can have a very powerful communication or marketing tool. That is why in 2022 it will be a very popular phenomenon throughout the world of mobile design.

Material design

It looks like Material Design is not going to lose ground this year in app UI.It is worth noting that in 2022, all developers will face the task of introducing augmented / virtual reality technologies, which will become the trend of the year, as mentioned above in the article. But we must remember that material design will evolve.


This is not to say that this is a completely novel approach to mobile design, but it will remain relevant. Cards are the most effective way to display information on a screen. We can organize and display data on screens of various sizes by using such cards. As a result, we can expect them to be used in application design until at least 2023.

Colorful graphics and cool fonts

Our interfaces will be very bright and juicy very soon. As a result, we must always be prepared to conduct experiments. We can experiment with the color palette and different combinations, but first we must determine whether it is appropriate for your content. For a long time, we undervalued typography. Designers have concentrated on content and navigation, as well as layouts and colors. Fonts, however, will now be considered.

Colors for Functional Experience

Today we will introduce beautiful colors into the work, not only to make it visually look very beautiful. Colors will have a very wide meaning, including functional look.

Consequently, design developers will have new options, such as guiding the user through an application or separating different functions and actions while using completely different color schemes. Keep in mind that design developers will continue to use colors for visual feedback and cues. and this trend will continue in mobile app design.

Interactive design

It's no surprise today that the most popular apps are highly interactive and in turn trend-setting. Of course, if users are involved in all ways, they can become even more involved in the application itself over time, and their retention rate will also grow along with this.


Undoubtedly, we can confidently state that in 2022 such a concept as microinteraction will not lose its popularity. Micro-interactions in turn help users by giving them visual feedback about the application and helping them to have a positive user experience.

Sounds in the mobile app

We can interact with the user and the application in ways other than visual feedback. It is worth noting that everything is important here; sound effects, no matter how small or insignificant, will have a big impact on the user, increasing the retention rate. Of course, we are certain that sound will be used more frequently in mobile applications.

Hidden navigation

In the near future, we will not see a colorful restaurant menu in mobile applications, as the hidden menu is gaining popularity. Therefore, it appears only when the user touches one or another area of the screen. Today, an app like Chrome already uses hidden navigation.

Today, there are already many new developments in the world of mobile applications, therefore, in 2022 they will be actively implemented and developed at a rapid pace. Technological progress tends to gain momentum. It is quite possible that completely new technological developments will appear by the beginning of next year.


Modular scrolling will become popular in apps with a large amount of content. This enables you to read individual columns or rows of information, making the interface more understandable. Infinite scrolling is another option. If you use the Instagram app, you are already familiar with it.


Parallax scrolling has its own charm and gives the user a sense of dynamism. It will definitely remain in the mobile app design trend of 2022.

Failure display

Designers usually consider ideal users who follow a predefined path in the application when creating UX. What if the user becomes disoriented? This is where bounce mapping comes into play to ensure that even less-than-ideal users have a positive user experience. Failures are displayed in the application based on non-ideal user actions.

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